Essay Writing for Dummies: Useful Tips Based on a Classic Essay Type

Essay Writing for Dummies: Useful Tips Based on a Classic Essay Type

It is a hard time for every student to write his first ever essay. There are lots of various essay types, but mostly they are based on one typical formula. The whole world knows it as the five paragraph essay. As soon as you get along with its structure, it will be easier for you to understand how to write it. Let us introduce you to the whole new world of advanced writing.

Five Paragraph Essay Structure

So, let’s start with the purpose of the five paragraph essay. It is an often-assigning paper by teachers. It is a common task for students that are just beginners at writing papers. So, this task is one of the most useful for young students as it develops their style and shows the common structure which they should know for future writing tasks.

Also, this essay type will teach them how to organize their papers and deal with such complicated papers as an argumentative essay or case and study essay, for example. So the classic essay structure looks like this:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph 1
  • Body paragraph 2
  • Body paragraph 3
  • Conclusion

To avoid some common mistakes, you should follow the instructions your teacher gave you to the class while writing a five paragraph essay. Just get the sources that were allowed to you by your teacher and followed the instructions.

These are the main points for you to get everything done right and make a successful result. There is no need to worry about some special success formulas. The main thing about the successful deal is the focus and convenience. 

Few Words about Five Paragraph Essay Outline

If you want your paper to be successful, you should write the outline for your paper. This step is very important for any type of writing. It would be a roadmap for you to follow during the entire writing process.

Just write it before you start the main part of writing and use your outline before every next step. You can use any simple words, special phrases, and notes for this part. Just make it comfortable as no one will see it except you. And then while writing your main content, use it not to lose your course.

General Essay Writing Tips

  • Introduction

This part is the start of your entire paper. Here you should present your thesis and describe the problem you will be talking about. The thesis is an important point in your paper, so it is recommended reading about it additionally. Your introduction should be catchy and present the main topic of your paper. Good Introduction works as a spark to light reader’s interest to your paper.

This point is very important if you want the reader to continue with your text after reading those first few sentences. To grab his attention, you can start with a question or some unusual story. Also, some writers make provocative statements in their Introductions. And often it works great. Anyway, try to find your own trick and use it in the most effective way.  

  • Body Paragraphs

As you already know, there should be three Body paragraphs in your essay. This is a classic five-paragraph formula and Body is the biggest part of the paper in this case. The first main part paragraph should be connected to the Introduction slightly passing each other. Three sentences for each paragraph will be just enough.

As the whole essay is not too large, you should open your topic problem right from the start. Here you will have to develop the whole idea of your essay and open your thesis by presenting different facts. Try to make your paragraphs organized. The spontaneous structure will just to confuse your reader. And do not forget about supporting facts. Each statement you have should be supported by something strong and convincing.

  • Conclusion

The last part of this essay is the Conclusion. It is very similar to the Introduction with the size and feel. Just one-paragraph-long it will tell your reader author’s last thoughts about the whole topic. Please note that Conclusion is not just a summary of everything you’ve told before. It is the statement that should convince your reader to take your side or at least leave a strong impression.

Some may say that Conclusion is the last impression for the reader so it should be even more effective than other parts. Well, it is your last word on the issue, and it really makes sense. So, do not rush before wrapping up the problem and make your last statement the strongest one.

Summing Up

The structure for this article is very simple. All you need is just to follow it and do not make paragraphs large. Also, avoid uncertain sentences that do not make any sense to the problem of your text.  

  • Practice

Try to practice as much as you can. This will allow you to improve your writing skills. Read more and try to write something even if there is no task and it is not necessary. Apply new methods and methods.

  • Make a writing plan

Some students may say that planning is just as waste of time, but experienced ones will definitely not agree. Planning gives you an advantage almost in every case, especially in studying and writing in general. So, try to plan your work before starting an essay.

  • Improve your vocabulary

Once again about reading books and other authors. Linguistic variety is vital to your success as a writer. Do not ignore new words and phrases. Learn them and even note to use in your future projects.

So, if you will learn the basics of the five paragraph essay, you will be able to deal with any other paper with more knowledge and confidence. Our team wishes you luck and offers any type of writing and consulting help in case you need some. Just follow this link to learn more about us and our top-class writing services.